A Letter to October (and my stinkbug friend)
Setting some intentions for the month of October and also a little story about a recent six-limbed friend I’ve made.
Also, look at this dude. He’s living his best life. Or afterlife, I guess.
Dad puns aside… October 2024, I hope this finds you well.
Dear Olivia, refer back to this on November 1st.
I’ll keep this short and sweet. After all, October is only 31 days in length.
Mindsets I want to embody:
- Trust that the things that are meant to be in your life won’t pass you by. The people, the opportunities, the events will all fall into place. What is meant to be will not come from forcing something to happen.
- Embrace the unknown and unplanned. Having everything figured out is highly overrated. Think of how you got here today, could you have predicted any of this?
- Feel deeply. This month, I strive to connect to my heart and have compassion for the many emotions that I will inevitably feel.
- Remain open-minded and open hearted. Stay curious, avoid judgment. Look at things with the lens of your most authentic and accepting self.
- Treating myself with love and compassion. Do the things that make you feel like the goddess you are (no matter how corny that sounds).
Little reminders:
- Make time for the things that bring you joy. Take that walk, read that book, meet with/call that friend.
- Pause, deep breath, calm down… and then take action. There is no rush.
- Don’t get ahead of your reality. You are living in the here and now. The creations of your mind, the stories you tell yourself… they are just that.
- Trust yourself Olivia. I know it is sometimes hard to believe this but you are strong, intelligent, and so unbelievably capable. You are resilient.
- Take the slow moments slow. Relish those moments of peace.
September got a little off track, I’m making October my month.
P.S. How could I just drop info about a stink bug without any explanation?! Allow me to elaborate.
I’ve got a gorgeous skylight in my attic room. I keep it open nearly all day, so I’m bound to let some critters into my bedroom. Usually it’s mosquitos and the occasional bumble bee. Lately though, the skylight has been attracting quite the crowd. Birds land on the frame and cock their heads at me as I do my schoolwork, a raccoon even got onto the roof.
The most frequent visitor? A stink bug.
This critter flies into the skylight and makes a show of letting me know its presence. Once it landed on hand mid-note-taking. Then it landed on my desk lamp, staying there for my hour long zoom call. It’s landed on my water bottle and my flourishing plants.
I’d like to think it’s the same stink bug, that it’s some kind of sign. Whether it’s one or five different ones, I hope to keep on getting visits from my stinky friend.
Also, I’m taking it as a sign from the Universe.